Title Tamasay and Sitoki (Necklaces)

  • Hokkaido
Historic Sites/Castle Ruins National Parks/Quasi-National Parks Public Works & Institutions (Museums, etc.)
Medium/Media of Use:
Interpretive Sign Web Page
Text Length:
≤250 Words
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Associated Tourism Board:




Tamasay and Sitoki (Necklaces)

Tamasay necklaces used to be worn by Ainu women every day. These days, however, they are only worn for ceremonial occasions. The beads are usually made of glass, but some older examples have been found with turquoise and other materials obtained from abroad, showing the extensive trade networks historically tapped by the Ainu. Tamasay necklaces are passed down from mother to daughter as treasured heirlooms.

Sitoki necklaces are worn by Ainu women for important religious ceremonies. Like the simpler tamasay style of necklace, the sitoki is mostly made of brightly colored beads. It also features a large medallion covered in intricate designs that hold spiritual significance, often depicting deities such as owls or bears.
