Title Oki Beach

  • Kochi
Activities National Parks/Quasi-National Parks
Medium/Media of Use:
Web Page
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
Ashizuri-Uwakai National Park
Associated Address:
Oki, Tosashimizu-shi , Kochi


土佐清水市の北東部にある大岐海岸では、1.5キロにわたって白い砂浜が続いています。地元の住民や観光客が訪れ、日光浴やサーフィンを楽しむビーチです。防風林に沿って散策すると、珍しいカカツガユ(Cudrania cochinchinensis)や他の広葉種を見ることができます。海岸には多くの生きものがいます。小型の二枚貝やミナミスナガニは砂に潜って生息しており、アカウミガメは海岸にやって来て産卵します。海岸は穏やかな雰囲気で、人間による干渉の影響が比較的小さいと言えます。土佐清水市を訪れる観光客はここで静かな一日を楽しめます。

Oki Beach

Oki Beach is a 1.5-kilometer strip of white sand in northeastern Tosashimizu. The beach attracts local residents and visitors alike, who come to sunbathe and surf, or to walk along its forested edge, where rare kakatsu-gayu trees (Cudrania cochinchinensis) and other broad-leaved species can be seen. The beach is also home to many animals; small clams and ghost crabs live beneath the surface of the sand, and loggerhead sea turtles come to the shore to lay their eggs. The atmosphere on the beach is tranquil, as it has been relatively undisturbed by human intervention, and visitors can enjoy a peaceful day here as they explore Tosashimizu.
