Title Local Plants: Sharinbai (Yeddo Hawthorn; Rhaphiolepis umbellata)

  • Kagawa
  • Tokushima
$SETTINGS_DB.genreMap.get($item) National Parks/Quasi-National Parks
Medium/Media of Use:
Interpretive Sign
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:

ここで見られる植物:シャリンバイ(車輪梅;Rhaphiolepis umbellata)


Local Plants: Sharinbai (Yeddo Hawthorn; Rhaphiolepis umbellata)

This small shrub grows wild along the Japanese coast, and is also commonly planted in gardens, parks, and highway median strips. Native to both Japan and Korea, it reaches a height of around 1 meter. Its leathery leaves are egg-shaped, with a somewhat serrated edge. In May, five-petaled white or pink-tinged flowers bloom toward the tips of the branches. The spherical fruits ripen from November to December, turning black with a dusting of white powder. In Japan, the plant is traditionally boiled to produce a dyeing agent.
