Kunisaki Rokugo Onsen
Kunisaki Rokugo Onsen is a group of six onsen (hot springs) spread across Bungotakada. Among the six onsen are three different types of saline springs that are believed to alleviate various symptoms and cure a number of ailments: chloride springs, carbonated springs, and sulfate springs. Chloride springs are believed to retain heat and encourage blood circulation, while carbonated springs, also known as “beauty onsen,” are reported to soften the outer layer of the skin, creating a smooth and silky feeling. Finally, sulfate springs are believed to help heal wounds, boost circulation, and to counter depression and dry skin.
The six onsen that make up Kunisaki Rokugo Onsen—Hanairo Onsen, Ebisudani Onsen, Spaland Matama, Senninyu, Kaimon Onsen, and Fukinotou—each offer different purported health benefits as well as a unique ambience.
- Hanairo Onsen has an open-air bath (rotenburo) with a cold (24°C) carbonated spring that is believed to soften the skin. There are also springs that are safe for drinking with a water hardness of 1,500 milligrams per liter or higher.
- A lush forest surrounds the outdoor baths of Ebisudani Onsen, giving the impression of bathing in nature. The water of this sulfate spring is brown, which is a rare find in Oita prefecture.
- Spaland Matama is located inside the Sansuisou Inn, and the baths are open to the public. The soft, carbonated water warms the body and makes the skin feel smooth.
- At nearby Senninyu, the water is kept at 25°C or higher and has a pH level of 8.5 or above, and flows continually from the source. This hot spring is believed to be good for neuralgia and joint pain.
- Kaimon Onsen is a small, high-salinity, chloride spring with brown water located near Matama Beach.
- Lastly, Fukinotou is a carbonated hot spring next to Fukiji Temple (designated a National Treasure). It is located inside a Japanese inn and is only open to guests of the inn.