Title Amida River

  • Tottori
  • Shimane
Historic Sites/Castle Ruins Activities National Parks/Quasi-National Parks
Medium/Media of Use:
Interpretive Sign
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
Daisen-Oki National Park

中国自然歩道 阿弥陀川


川は清く信頼できる水源を求める住民たちを長い間引き付けてきた。1749 年から1936 年まで、この地域には木鉢づくりを業とする 6 ~ 7 家族が住んでいた。彼らの家のほとんどは現在駐車場と中国自然歩道がある周辺にあった。今は川床・一向平コース案内図の看板がある。墓と住居の跡が川岸沿いに見える。

中国自然歩道は 2018 年 9 月に完成した長さ 17 メートルのトラス橋で阿弥陀川を渡る。かつては低い丸太の橋があったが、何度も流されたのでトラス橋に変えられた。

この川のコースに沿って滝がいくつかあり、最も上流にあるのが一番有名な阿弥陀滝だ。この高さ 44.7 メートルの滝はハイカーに人気があり、たくさんの人が川岸に沿って伸びる峡谷を登って滝へと辿りつく。登山者が必然的にずぶ濡れになることから「シャワートレッキング」と呼ばれるアクティビティだ。

Amida River

This clear mountain stream is formed by a confluence of waters from Sankohō Peak and Mt. Nodagasen, to the south. One of Mt. Daisen’s few waterways, its flow varies considerably with rain and snowmelt, but never ceases entirely.

The river has long attracted settlers seeking a clean, reliable water source. From 1749 until 1936, the area was home to six or seven families that specialized in making wooden bowls. Most of their homes were located where the parking area and the “Chūgoku Nature Trail: Kawadoko to Ikkōganaru Trail Guide” sign are located now. A cemetery and the settlements’ remnants are visible along the riverbed.

The Chūgoku Nature Trail crosses the Amida River on a 17-meter-long truss bridge completed in September 2018. It replaced a much lower wooden bridge that had repeatedly washed away.

Along the river’s course are several waterfalls, most notably Amida Falls farther upstream. This 44.7-meter-high waterfall is a popular destination for hikers, many of whom reach the falls by climbing the gorge along the riverbed, an activity referred to as “shower trekking,” during which climbers inevitably become soaked.
