Title Autumn

  • Tottori
  • Shimane
$SETTINGS_DB.genreMap.get($item) Annual Events
Medium/Media of Use:
Interpretive Sign
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≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
Kujukushima Visitor Center

秋の涼しい風は、九十九島と九州西部の他地域における渡り鳥シーズンの始まりを知らせます。越冬のため飛来する鳥もいれば、アカハラタカ(Accipiter soloensis)やハチクマ(Pernis ptilorhynchus)のように付近の五島列島や東南アジアに向かう途中でこの地域を通り過ぎる鳥もいます。秋は、この温暖帯気候の印象的な現象である鮮やかな紅葉のシーズンでもあります。

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この頑強な植物(Limonium tetragonum)は塩耐性が強いため、秋の開花の時期に海岸線沿いでよく見かけられます。ハマサジという名前は、葉が匙に似ていることに由来します。






The cool breezes of autumn mark the start of the season of migrating birds in Kujukushima and the rest of western Kyushu. Some come to spend the winter while others, including the Chinese sparrowhawk (akahara taka, Accipiter soloensis) and the crested honey buzzard (hachikuma, Pernis ptilorhynchus) pass through the region on their way to the nearby Goto Islands and on to Southeast Asia. It is also the season of vibrant autumn foliage, a striking phenomenon in this warm temperate climate.

• Use the QR code to get more information about the photos on display. Free WiFi is available.

Sociable Seagulls

Before winter arrives, large groups of seagulls (kamome) gather in the islands. The sight of hundreds of them perched on individual fishing buoys has become a scene associated with autumn for locals.

Autumn Statice (Hamasaji)

This tough plant (Limonium tetragonum) is highly salt tolerant, so it is a common sight along the shoreline during the autumn blooming season. Its name, which literally means “beach spoon,” comes from the leaves’ resemblance to a spoon (saji).

Kujukushima Islands Day

On September 19 the city of Sasebo celebrates Kujukushima Islands Day. A variety of events and activities are held to highlight the many delights of the islands to both visitors and locals.

Autumn Colors

The hazelnut and wild cherry trees found on many of the islands of Kujukushima turn bright red during autumn, creating a striking contrast with the surrounding blue sea.
