Title Futarasan Jinja Shrine

  • Tochigi
Shrines/Temples/Churches Public Works & Institutions (Museums, etc.)
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Associated Tourism Board:
nikkoshi tagengokaisetsuseibi shienjigyo kentokyogikai
Associated Address:
2307, Sannai, Nikko-shi , Tochigi



化燈籠 (重要文化財)


Futarasan Jinja Shrine

Futarasan Jinja Shrine is part of the Shrines and Temples of Nikkō, which was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1999. The shrine was founded in 782, when Shōdō Shōnin (735–817) climbed Mt. Nantai and established a simple shrine on the summit. The main objects of worship at Futarasan Jinja are Mt. Nantai, Mt. Nyohō, and Mt. Tarō, which are believed to be manifestations of Shinto deities. The mountains are also believed to be the manifestations of the Buddhist deities worshipped at Rinnōji: Senju Kannon, Amida Nyorai, and Batō Kannon.

Ghost Lantern (Important Cultural Property)

This bronze six-sided lantern has been in its present location within the grounds of Futarasan Jinja since the shrine was built in 1619. However, it is much older than that, as its inscription is dated to 1292. There are many stories about the lantern’s eerie light, which causes nearby objects to appear doubled. It has over 70 nicks and indentations that are said to be from frightened samurai attacking it with their swords in the night.
