Title Tsudome’s Smaller Sculptures

  • Hokkaido
Annual Events
Medium/Media of Use:
Web Page
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
City of Sapporo

さっぽろ雪まつり - 市民を巻き込んだ取り組み(スノーオブジェコンテスト、地元住民手作りのウェルカム雪像)





Tsudome’s Smaller Sculptures

The outdoor venue at Tsudome includes two groups of small snow sculptures.

The first group features row upon row of small snow creatures that greet festivalgoers with messages that sometimes include photos of their creators. These “welcome” statues are snowy stand-ins for local residents who did not make snow sculptures elsewhere in the festival. They are created to convey how much the people of Sapporo, and Hokkaido in general, appreciate the presence of all who visit. These little figures are typically accompanied by larger ones from pop culture.

The second group consists of “snow objects” made by students in art clubs at local high schools. These statues tend to reflect pop-culture themes such as anime and manga characters and popular music artists. Their student-creators are much like the group of kids who built the first statues back in 1950 and helped launch the Sapporo Snow Festival.

The snow objects built by students are part of a contest. Viewers can vote for their favorite using an app called Sapporo Gourmet Coupon. Everyone who votes will be entered into a raffle to win coupons worth ¥100–¥1,000 that can be used at designated restaurants.
