Title Tachi Swords Donated by Hojo Ujitsuna

  • Kanagawa
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Associated Tourism Board:
Tsurugaoka Hachimangu



Tachi Swords Donated by Hojo Ujitsuna

These three tachi longswords and their ornate mountings are entirely ceremonial and were never used in battle. The swords were donated to Tsurugaoka Hachimangu by Hojo Ujitsuna (1487–1541), a samurai leader who ruled the domains around Kamakura during a long period of civil war. Having consolidated power in the region and seeking to demonstrate that power to his rivals, Ujitsuna began the rebuilding of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu, which had been heavily damaged in fighting during the preceding decades. He brought in craftspeople and construction materials from far and wide and spared no expense in renovating the shrine that symbolized samurai rule. In 1538, two years before the completion of the repairs, Ujitsuna had three swords forged and dedicated to the shrine, along with matching black-lacquered paulownia scabbards with golden maki-e decorations.
