Title Farm Guesthouses

  • Tokushima
Villages/Towns Activities
Medium/Media of Use:
Web Page
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
kamikatsutanada miraizukuri kyogikai



Farm Guesthouses

Kamikatsu has a variety of accommodations including a hot spring inn, glamping facilities, lodgings in a renovated elementary school, and a hotel in the Kamikatsu Zero Waste Center. Another option is to stay at one of the farm guesthouses called noka minshuku for a homestay experience. Guests are treated to homemade breakfast and dinner made with local ingredients, and the owners often join in for a chat. Some guesthouses still have wood-fired baths like those used at more traditional homes in the mountains. Each guesthouse also offers various activities like farm work, soba making, bonsai trimming, wasabi harvesting, and wood chopping. Most accommodate four to five people.
