Title Buckwheat Fields on the Sarugaku Plateau

  • Fukushima
Cuisine/Food Culture $SETTINGS_DB.genreMap.get($item) Regional Specialties
Medium/Media of Use:
Web Page
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
Shimogou Town


猿楽台地は、1960年代に国の農業開発プロジェクトによって開発された農地で構成されています。蕎麦と呼ばれる細い麺の主成分である蕎麦の実を育てる40ヘクタールの畑があります。 8月下旬から9月上旬にかけて、畑は繊細な白い蕎麦の花の絨毯で覆われます。


花が咲き乱れる夏の終わりが畑を見るのに最も人気のある時期ですが、猿楽の静かな牧歌的な風景は、一年中いつでも魅力的な写真撮影の機会を提供します。 10月に蕎麦が収穫されると、畑に残っている茎が鮮やかな赤色に変わります。


Buckwheat Fields on the Sarugaku Plateau

The Sarugaku Plateau was developed for farming in the 1960s under a national agricultural development project. Farmers grow buckwheat, the main ingredient of soba noodles, in its 40 hectares of fields. In late August and early September the fields are blanketed with delicate white buckwheat flowers.

Rice has long been the staple of the Japanese diet, but it can be difficult to grow in some northern regions such as Fukushima Prefecture, where summers were cooler. Alternative grains that were more resistant to the cold replaced rice, and one of these was buckwheat. Shimogo has a plentiful supply of the fresh, clean water essential for making top-quality soba. Many restaurants in the area serve local soba dishes.

Late summer is the most popular time when the fields are in full bloom, but the peaceful pastoral landscape of Sarugaku offers attractive photo opportunities at any time of year. After the soba is harvested in October, the stalks remaining in the fields turn a vivid red.

Note: Anyone is welcome to stop and enjoy the view from the side of the road, but please note that the buckwheat fields are private property, so visitors should not enter. Be careful of the electric fences, which protect the fields from local wildlife such as monkeys and bears.
