Title Azaleas

  • Kagoshima
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Associated Tourism Board:
ippanshadanhojin amamioshima kankobussanremmei


Sakura azalea / Rhododendron tashiroi / Sakura tsutsuji / サクラツツジ 奄美大島のサクラツツジは、標高の高い森林に育つ低木で、道や小川に群生する。茶色い樹皮はなめらかで、葉の周りは丸く、先端は尖り、早春に咲く花は白と濃いピンクがある。花の色や形が桜に似ているため、サクラツツジと言う名前がついた。

Amami sacred azalea / Rhododendron amamiense / Amami seishika / アマミセイシカ 奄美大島の固有種のツツジ科の植物は、岩場や渓流沿いに高さ5メートルほどの場所に育つ。光沢のある葉は、細長く尖っていて、つぼみはピンク色で、成長と共に白や薄紫の花になる。3月~5月に咲き、その香りで昆虫を誘引する。


Sakura azalea / Rhododendron tashiroi / Sakura tsutsuji / サクラツツジ

The sakura azalea is a shrub that grows in the forests of Amami-Oshima, often in clusters along roads and streams. The bark is a smooth brown, and the leaves have pointed tips and smooth edges. The flowers bloom in early spring, in both white and darker pink varieties. The color and shape of the flower resemble those of cherry blossoms, giving the plant its name.

Amami sacred azalea / Rhododendron amamiense / Amami seishika / アマミセイシカ

This member of the azalea family is endemic to Amami-Oshima, where it grows to heights of up to 5 meters in rocky areas or along mountain streams. The glossy leaves are slender and pointed, and the buds of the flowers are first tinged with pink, turning white or light pink as they mature. They bloom from March to May, and attract insects with their fragrance.
