Title Owls

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ippanshadanhojin amamioshima kankobussanremmei


Ryukyu scops owl / Otus elegans / Ryukyu konohazuku / リュウキュウコノハズク リュウキュウコノハズクは19~22cmほどの小型の品種で、琉球諸島に生息している。奄美大島では、海抜から山頂の森林で目撃されている。オスとメスは外見が似ていて、全体茶色で、黒と黄色のまだら模様がある。顔面は灰色で、その周りに赤茶色の羽があり、耳介状の羽毛は短く、あまり見えない。リュウキュウコノハズクは一夫一婦制で、縄張り意識が強い。巣は木のくぼみに春から夏にかけて作り、繁殖する。英語ではelegant scops owlとも呼ばれる。

Ryukyu hawk-owl / Ninox scutulata totogo / Ryukyu aobazuku / リュウキュウアオバズク 日本やアジアを渡るフクロウだが、日本南部の島々で生息している。中型のフクロウのアオバズクは体長27~33cmで、顔の縁が明確ではないが、大きな黄色い目をもち、耳介状の羽毛はない。濃い茶色の体には、白い胸と腹に茶色い線が走っている。主に夜行性で、ネズミや爬虫類などの小動物を食べるが、大型の飛翔昆虫も食す。


Ryukyu scops owl / Otus elegans / Ryukyu konohazuku / リュウキュウコノハズク

The Ryukyu scops owl is a very small species of owl (19 to 22 centimeters long) that is resident on the Ryukyu Islands. It can be found in the forests of Amami-Oshima from sea level to the tops of the mountains. The appearance of the males and females is similar: mostly brown with patterned flecks of black and yellow. The gray face is surrounded with reddish-brown feathers, and the ear tufts are so short that they are sometimes not apparent. Ryukyu scops owls are monogamous and territorial. They build their nests in tree hollows and breed from spring to summer. Also known as the elegant scops owl.

Ryukyu hawk-owl / Ninox scutulata totogo / Ryukyu aobazuku / リュウキュウアオバズク

This owl species migrates in other parts of Japan and Asia, but is resident on these southern islands. With a length of 27 to 33 centimeters, the Ryukyu hawk-owl is a medium-sized owl with big yellow eyes, an indistinct facial border, and no ear tufts. It is dark brown with brown streaks running down its white chest and belly. The bird is primarily nocturnal, and while it does feed on small animals, like rats and reptiles, it also hunts large flying insects.
