Title Plovers

  • Kagoshima
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ippanshadanhojin amamioshima kankobussanremmei


Lesser sand plover / Charadrius mongolus / Medai-chidori / メダイチドリ 体長18~21cmのメダイチドリは他の小型のチドリと同様に、砂浜や干潟、湿原で長いくちばしと長い脚で餌をとる。茶色い胴体と翼をもち、首と胸は鮮やかなオレンジである。春と秋に群れになって渡り、奄美大島には冬季に見られる。メダイチドリの餌は昆虫、甲殻類、ミミズなど。他の渉禽類と違い、地面を探すのではなく、独自の走って止まる手法で狩をする。

Pacific golden plover / Pluvialis fulva / Munaguro / ムナグロ 奄美大島で越冬する渡り鳥で、沿岸部に数羽の集団で見られる。日本ではよく見られる中型のチドリで、体長は23~26cm、頭部は小さく、金色を帯びた羽を持ち、大きな翼で長距離を飛ぶことができる。ムナグロは渡りのコースで知られており、北極圏の繁殖地から1万2千kmも南下するものもいる。繁殖期は胸元が黒く、冬になると薄い褐色になる。ムナグロは昆虫や甲殻類、爬虫類、種子や果実をも食べる。


Lesser sand plover / Charadrius mongolus / Medai-chidori / メダイチドリ

The lesser sand plover (18 to 21 centimeters long), like most small plovers, has a long beak and long legs meant for feeding on beaches, tidal flats, and wetlands. It has a brown body and wings and a bright-orange neck and chest. It migrates in flocks in spring and fall, wintering on Amami-Oshima. The birds feed on insects, shellfish, and worms. Unlike other waders, they do not probe the ground, but hunt by sight using a unique run-and-pause technique.

Pacific golden plover / Pluvialis fulva / Munaguro / ムナグロ

These migratory birds winter on Amami-Oshima, where they can be seen in loose flocks in coastal areas. They are the most common medium-sized plover in Japan (23 to 26 centimeters long), with a small head, gold-spangled feathers, and a large wingspan that helps them fly long distances. Pacific golden plovers are known for their migration habits; some travel 12,000 kilometers south from their Arctic breeding grounds. The chest is black during mating season, but turns to a light tan during the winter. The birds feed on insects, shellfish, and reptiles, as well as seeds and berries.
