Title Eternal Flames

  • Iwate
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Associated Tourism Board:
Hiraizumi Town


中尊寺の本堂にある釈迦如来坐像の両側には、不滅の法灯が立っています。 中尊寺では毎朝、この不滅の法灯から祭壇にあるロウソクに火が灯されます。



Eternal Flames

A pair of Eternal Flames (fumetsu no hoto) burn in the lanterns that flank the statue of Shakyamuni Buddha in the main worship hall of Chusonji Temple. Every morning, priests light candles on the altar using fire from these sacred eternal flames.

The eternal flame was originally kindled by Saicho (767–822), the Japanese Buddhist monk who founded the Tendai sect of Buddhism in Japan, and it has burned continuously for over 1,200 years. Saicho first ignited the flame at Enryakuji Temple on Mount Hiei, in Shiga Prefecture. That flame was split in 1958, and a portion brought to Chusonji Temple, which is one of only two temples in the Tohoku region to possess this sacred flame.
