Title Trekking Courses

  • Yamagata
Activities $SETTINGS_DB.genreMap.get($item)
Medium/Media of Use:
Pamphlet Web Page
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FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
Associated Address:
Zao onsen, Yamagata-shi , Yamagata

No.26 トレッキング・コース



暖かい季節に蔵王を訪れる際は、十分な水(1.5~2.0リットル/人)を持って行き(天気予報が雨でなくても防水着携行)、適切な服装をし、 あなたの予定のコースと目的地、予定の帰還時刻をホテルのスタッフなどに知らせてください。ハイキングをするときは、歩道から外れないでください。自分で作成したルートで山に登らないでください。そして野生生物を尊重してください。狩猟、釣り、標本採取は不許可。同様に、あなたの存在の痕跡を山の上に残さないでください。キャンプは指定された場所でのみ許されている。


Zao is fantastically beautiful during the winter, but that beauty is not limited to the months when the mountain is covered in snow. Some of the ropeways run year-round, and the mountains become especially beautiful for hiking during the summer and fall. Some noteworthy attractions include Okama Volcanic Lake, Fudodaki Falls, and Zao Quasi-National Park.

Please note the following safety information for visitors to the park outside of the ski season:

When visiting Zao during the warmer seasons, bring plenty of water (1.5–2.0 liters per person), dress appropriately for the weather (rain gear, even if rain isn’t in the forecast), and inform someone, such as the hotel staff, of your route and destination as well as your intended return time. When hiking, you must stay on the trail—do not attempt to make your own route up the mountain—and respect the wildlife. Hunting, fishing, and collection of specimens are not allowed. Likewise, leave no trace of your presence on the mountain. Please keep in mind that camping is allowed only in designated areas.

While hiking, it is important to make noise to alert the local wildlife to your presence, as startled animals are more likely to pose a threat. A bear bell, which can be strapped to your pack and will make noise as you walk, makes a good souvenir. If you do encounter a bear, make sure you know how to keep yourself safe: if you are in a group, make as much noise as you can; if alone, do not run. Instead, back away slowly. Bear attacks are rare, but if attacked by a black bear, fight back using anything you may have and with everything you’ve got. If possible, aim for the eyes and nose.
