Title Ioden, Buddha of Healing Hall

  • Chiba
Historic Sites/Castle Ruins Shrines/Temples/Churches Public Works & Institutions (Museums, etc.)
Medium/Media of Use:
Pamphlet Web Page
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
Narita City Tourism Association
Associated Address:
1 Narita, Narita-shi , Chiba


ご信徒の方々は何世代にもわたり、健康と長寿のため、薬と治癒の仏である薬師如来に祈りに成田山新勝寺へとやってきていた。この崇敬を受けてきた御仏は以前、薬師堂に祀られていたが、参拝者が訪れやすいように2017年、醫王殿に移された。この建物は新勝寺の開基1080周年に合わせて建立されたものである。また、醫王殿では薬師十二神将(訳注:英語ではThe twelve Heavenly Generals「天界の12将」)が、苦しみの原因となる、あらゆる方面からの絶え間ない誘惑や心の迷いから薬師如来を守っている。

Ioden, Buddha of Healing Hall

Generations of devotees have come to Naritasan Shinshoji Temple to pray to Yakushi Nyorai, the Buddha of medicine and healing, for good health and longevity. This revered Buddha was previously enshrined at the Yakushido, but to give visitors better access, it was relocated in 2017 to the Ioden, which was built to commemorate the 1080th year anniversary of the founding of Shinshoji Temple. The twelve Heavenly Generals protect Yakushi Nyorai against the constant temptations and worries coming from all directions that lead to suffering.
