Title Ninomaru Woods

  • Tokyo
Historic Sites/Castle Ruins $SETTINGS_DB.genreMap.get($item)
Medium/Media of Use:
Interpretive Sign
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
koekizaidanhojin kikuyobunkakyokai
Associated Address:
1-4 Chiyoda, Chiyoda-ku , Tokyo to


この林は、東京西部の田舎地域、武蔵野の景色の縮図を再現しています。1983 年にこの林の植林が始まった時、


伝統的に、武蔵野の住民は地元林から落ちた枝葉を集めて肥料として利用し、20 年周期で薪を得るために伐採し



Ninomaru Woods

This grove of trees recreates in microcosm the landscape of Musashino, a rural area to the west of Tokyo that was being steadily absorbed into the suburbs when this grove was planted starting in 1983. The beauty of the Musashino Woods was itself a collaboration between people and nature. Traditionally, the inhabitants of Musashino collected brush and fallen leaves from the local woods to use as fertiliser and would fell trees for firewood on a twenty-year cycle. This grove contains such deciduous trees as konara and sawtooth oaks, as well as spring ephemerals like fairy bells that flower before the trees above them burst into leaf.
