Title Futamiura

  • Mie
Nature/Ecology Shrines/Temples/Churches National Parks/Quasi-National Parks
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Associated Tourism Board:
Associated Address:
575 Futamicho e, Ise-shi , Mie


二見浦の夫婦岩(夫と妻の岩)は日本の有名な景観です。大きな岩と小さめな岩が一緒に太い藁の縄でくくられています。昔は、二つの石は、神の世界と人間の世界を分ける門と考えられていました。現代では、二つの石は夫婦のシンボルと考えられています。ここは、新婚カップルに人気の場所で、夫婦岩の向かいにある神社では夫婦円満のための御守りが売られています。 神社には、「無事に帰る」ことを象徴するカエルの像も多数あります。




The Meoto Iwa (“Husband and Wife Rocks”) of Futamiura are a famous sight in Japan. The two rocks, a large one and a small one, are joined by a thick rice straw rope. In the past, these rocks were thought to be a gate separating the divine world from the human world. They are now considered a symbol of wedded couples. It is a popular place for newly-married couples to visit. Protection charms for happy marriages are sold at the shrine facing the Meoto Iwa. There are many statues of frogs at the shrine, symbols of a safe journey home.

Between May and July, the sun rises between the two rocks. A beautiful full moon also appears perfectly positioned between them from November to February. Historically, this spot was used to wash and purify the body before continuing to the most important jinja (Shinto shrine) complex in Japan, Ise Jingu.

Nearby is the Hinjitsukan, a former imperial vacation residence, completed in 1887. Its interior reveals an intriguing blend of traditional Japanese and Western-inspired decor, best seen in the large banquet room. The style of the walls and the floor is Japanese, yet there are impressive chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.
