Title Daisenji Temple

  • Tottori
  • Shimane
  • Okayama
Historic Sites/Castle Ruins Shrines/Temples/Churches Public Works & Institutions (Museums, etc.)
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Associated Tourism Board:
Daisen-Oki National Park




Daisenji Temple


Daisenji Temple, surrounded by dense natural forest, is one of the oldest known centers for mountain worship and Buddhist religious practice in Japan. Since medieval times, pilgrims have flocked here to worship the bodhisattva Jizo, the protector of travelers and children. In this region, Jizo also became viewed as a patron saint of livestock. Farmers began bringing their cattle here to be blessed, which led to the area developing into a livestock market, at one point in time the largest in all Japan. On clear days, this area offers majestic views of the north side of the mountain and the Sea of Japan.
