Title Terrain of the Shimane Peninsula Coast

  • Tottori
  • Shimane
  • Okayama
Nature/Ecology National Parks/Quasi-National Parks
Medium/Media of Use:
Interpretive Sign
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
Daisen-Oki National Park


島根県東部・鳥取県西部地域には、東から西へと幅広く分布する特徴的な地形があります。それは南部にある中国山地、宍道湖や中海のような低地帯、隆起して形成された島根半島を含む地形のことです。 その中でも島根県は、島根半島全域が断層を伴った複背斜構造を成し、半島の東部はリアス式海岸に、西部は隆起海岸にわかれています。海岸では、広範囲に渡って、岬と湾が鋸歯状に交互に並んでいます。 加賀の潜戸・多古の七つ穴に代表される断崖、海食洞等を見ることができます。


Terrain of the Shimane Peninsula Coast

The region stretching across eastern Shimane Prefecture and western Tottori Prefecture has a unique topography. The region includes the Chugoku mountain range in the south, sedimentary lowlands such as Lake Shinji and Lake Nakaumi, and Shimane Peninsula, created through tectonic uplift. Shimane Prefecture is divided in half by a fault, with the areas east of the fault subsiding to form ria (drowned river) inlets, and the western part uplifting to form coastal promontories.

The shoreline of the Shimane Peninsula is a succession of capes and bays following one after the other like the teeth of a saw. Spectacular coastal landscapes include cliffs and sea caves such as the mystical sea caves of Kaka (Kaka no Kukedo) and the Seven Caves of Tako (Tako no Nanatsuana).

The entire area is part of the Shimane Peninsula and Shinjiko Nakaumi Estuary Geopark.
