Title Daio Hoden (Main Building)

  • Yamaguchi
Historic Sites/Castle Ruins Shrines/Temples/Churches Public Works & Institutions (Museums, etc.)
Medium/Media of Use:
Interpretive Sign
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
Associated Address:
1647 Chinto, Hagi-shi , Yamaguchi


Built in the late seventeenth century, the daio hoden is the main building of Tokoji Temple where the monks conduct rituals to honor Buddhist deities. The main statue (honzon) of this hall depicts the historical Buddha, Shakyamuni, but the hall also contains other statues which were collected from buildings that have since been destroyed.

The hall contains several elements unique to the Obaku Zen school that indicate its Chinese heritage: the statues are all hand-carved by monks in the Chinese style. Instead of being covered with tatami mats as would be typical in a Japanese building, the floor is tataki, packed lime plaster and clay. Rather than kneeling to recite their prayers, Obaku Zen monks pray while standing. Even the coffered ceiling is characteristic of Obaku Zen in the resemblance it bears to Chinese architecture.
