Title Bell Tower

  • Yamaguchi
Historic Sites/Castle Ruins Shrines/Temples/Churches Public Works & Institutions (Museums, etc.)
Medium/Media of Use:
Interpretive Sign
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
Associated Address:
1647 Chinto, Hagi-shi , Yamaguchi

この鐘楼は17世紀後半に東光寺が建造された直後に造られたと考えられている。 鐘楼の大きな鐘は達磨の鐘とも呼ばれている。 この鐘は地元の鋳物師、群司父子によって鋳造され、第四代藩主吉広公によって寄進された。 鐘の表面には、東光寺開山の慧極禅師の名が刻まれている。


This bell tower is thought to have been built shortly after the main portion of Tokoji was constructed, in the late seventeenth century. The tower’s upper story contains a large bronze bell as well as a dharma drum. The bell was cast by the Gunji family, who were local craftsmen, and donated by the fourth Mori lord. The bell’s surface is inscribed with the name of Tokoji’s first abbot, Engoku. At Tokoji, the bell and drum are now used only during year-end ceremonies. At temples with more resident monks, similar bells are used for the call to daily prayer and other regular activities.
