Title Statue of Shaka Nyorai

  • Nara
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Associated Tourism Board:
88-Face Kannon
Associated Address:
78 Muro, Uda-shi , Nara




Statue of Shaka Nyorai

National Treasure

The Shakyamuni Buddha is the principal object of worship in the Kondo Hall. It was fashioned from a single piece of Japanese nutmeg wood. Both the statue and the halo surrounding it were carved in the early Heian period (794–1185) and showcase the skills of craftsmen from that time. The realistic, flowing red robe was executed in a style known as rempa-shiki, or “rippling waves.” This particular example is known as Muroji drapery.

Scholars believe the statue was originally a Yakushi Nyorai (the Buddha of Healing), as its halo is adorned with the seven buddhas of the eastern pure lands, as well as hosoge floral patterns and vines.
