Title 【Hodosan Jinja Shrine: Inner Shrine】

  • Saitama
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宝登山(497 m)の頂上にある宝登山神社の奥宮は、この山で最古の信仰の場所である。言い伝えによると、日本の伝説上の第十二代天皇である景行天皇のご子息であった日本武尊により、西暦110年に創建された。日本武尊は、東北地方平定のために派遣されていたが、その帰りに宝登山の近くを通った際、その山の美しさと神秘的な雰囲気に心を奪わた皇子は、山を登ることにした。皇子とその家臣らは、まず、山の麓の近くにあった泉で身を清めることにした(神道の神の領域に入る前の重要な儀式である)。山に登る途中、彼らは突然激しい炎に囲まれていることに気付いた。彼らに命の危機が迫った時、黒と白のオオカミが現れ炎を消したという。そしてオオカミは皇子とその家臣を山頂に導き、消えていった。山の神がオオカミを遣わしたのだと悟った日本武尊は、命が救われたことに心から感謝した。











Hodosan Jinja Shrine: Inner Shrine

The inner shrine of Hodosan Jinja, located on the summit of Mt. Hodo (497 m), is the oldest site of worship on the mountain. According to legend, it was founded in 110 CE by Yamato Takeru no Mikoto, a son of Keikō, Japan’s legendary twelfth emperor.

Yamato Takeru had been dispatched to subdue uprisings in the northeast, and on his return, he passed near Mt. Hodo. Struck by the mountain’s beauty and spiritual air, he decided to climb it. The prince and his retainers first purified themselves at a spring near its base—an important ritual before entering the domain of a Shinto deity. Partway up the mountain, they suddenly found themselves surrounded by a raging wildfire. Just as their lives seemed lost, black and white wolves appeared and quenched the flames. The wolves guided the prince and his men to the summit, then vanished.

Realizing that the creatures had been sent by the deity of the mountain, Yamato Takeru gave heartfelt thanks for his salvation. The prince established a simple shrine called a himorogi (literally, “divine fence”) at the site, dedicating it to Emperor Jinmu, Japan’s legendary first emperor; Ōyamazumi no Kami, one of the Shinto mountain deities; and Homusubi no Kami, the Shinto fire deity. Today, they are still the three official deities of Hodosan Jinja Shrine, and the mystical wolves are honored as divine messengers (gokenzoku).

The Inner Shrine Festival, also called the “Azalea Festival,” is held each year on May 2 to celebrate the origins of the shrine. The divine spirit of Yamato Takeru is carried in a portable shrine (mikoshi) from the main complex at the base of the mountain up to the summit, where prayers and sacred dances are performed in his honor.
