Title Site of Higashi-Ōbangashira Quarters and Barracks

  • Osaka
Historic Sites/Castle Ruins
Medium/Media of Use:
Interpretive Sign
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
Osaka Castle Management Co., Ltd.
Associated Address:
1 Osakajo, Chuo-ku Osaka-shi , Osaka




Akatsuki wo 暁を

idaite yami ni いだいて闇に

wiru tsubomi ゐる蕾

Site of Higashi-Ōbangashira Quarters and Barracks

During the Edo period (1603–1867), Osaka Castle was guarded by 12 special units of samurai, called ōban, who reported directly to the shogunate in Edo (now Tokyo). Two of these units were stationed at the castle in rotating deployments that lasted a year. The ōban had their barracks in the southern part of the castle’s outer bailey, while the living quarters for the captain (ōbangashira) of the eastern ōban, were located here. The ōbangashira’s 50 elite warriors and their subordinates, comprising some 200 men in total, lived in a nearby complex of residential buildings. The ōban residences burned down in 1868 when the castle was briefly abandoned during the outbreak of the Boshin War (1868–1869) and looters from the surrounding castle town flooded the compound.

A military prison later occupied this site until 1939. Akira Tsuru (1908–1938), a poet who was court-martialed in 1931 for distributing communist literature to members of his army unit, was one of the inmates here. Tsuru, who died of dysentery while serving another prison sentence in 1938, specialized in satirical senryū, a form of short, playful poems similar to haiku. A poem stone bearing one of his works has been erected nearby as a memorial:

Akatsuki wo Clutching the dawn

idaite yami ni the flower bud holds fast

wiru tsubomi against the darkness
