Title Welcome to Dazaifu Exhibition Hall

  • Fukuoka
Historic Sites/Castle Ruins Public Works & Institutions (Museums, etc.)
Medium/Media of Use:
Interpretive Sign
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
Dazaifu City Japan Heritage Utilization Council







Welcome to Dazaifu Exhibition Hall

Dazaifu Exhibition Hall is dedicated to telling the story of Dazaifu. Thirteen centuries ago, Dazaifu was the administrative center of Kyushu, as well as a political, religious, and cultural powerhouse. The city was also Japan’s gateway to the outside world. As Japan was located at the eastern end of the Silk Road—the ancient trade route that connected the East to the West—the culture and goods that flowed through Dazaifu created a spirit of internationalism, sophistication, and scholarship that was rare in Japan at the time.

Dazaifu Exhibition Hall tells the story of Dazaifu’s rich history. Discover how the area’s natural topography was exploited for defensive purposes; look at detailed dioramas of the palatial government offices and notice the distinctive Chinese influence; find out how the colors people wore were connected to their rank and occupation, and learn about the unusually varied cuisine enjoyed by residents of the city. The photo gallery highlights the ongoing excavation process that is revealing much of ancient Dazaifu.

Dazaifu is closely related to the name of the Japanese era beginning in 2019, Reiwa. The naming of Reiwa has its origins in poems crafted at a plum blossom party that took place in Dazaifu in the eighth century.

We hope you enjoy your journey back to the world of ancient Dazaifu.
