Title Wild Birds of Shiobara

  • Tochigi
Medium/Media of Use:
Interpretive Sign
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
Shiobara Onsen Visitor Center



Wild Birds of Shiobara

Shiobara is home to a multitude of wild birds whose songs fill the surrounding forests. The area’s wetlands attract waterfowl—great white egrets, gray herons, mandarin ducks, mallard ducks, crested kingfishers, and wagtails congregate around the Hoki River and its surrounding lakes and marshlands. The forests of broadleaf trees attract birds such as great spotted woodpeckers and blue and white flycatchers. Birds of prey, including buzzards, hawks, falcons, and owls, are also found here. Several varieties of tit make Shiobara their home, including the great tit, willow tit, coal tit, varied tit, and long-tailed tit. These small birds have a similar appearance, but their calls and songs vary greatly.
