Title Hiking Trail to the Peak of Mt. Shibutsu

  • Gunma
Nature/Ecology Activities
Medium/Media of Use:
Interpretive Sign
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
Gunma Prefecture









  1. ここから山頂近くの高天ヶ原エリアまでの急勾配の区間は足元に注意してください。足元の蛇紋岩は滑りやすく、特に濡れている時は注意が必要です。
  2. ここから至仏山頂までの登山道は「上り」のみです。「下り」には鳩待峠へ続く登山道を利用してください。
  3. 登山に適した服を着用してください。
  4. 午後から登山に出発するのは避けてください。
  5. 登山道から外れると環境が損なわれます。また、危険な場合があります。
  6. 途中にトイレがないので、トイレは出発前に済ませてください。

Hiking Trail to the Peak of Mt. Shibutsu

Distance to peak: 2.9 kilometers

Distance to Hatomachi-toge Pass trailhead: 7.4 kilometers

Altitude gain: 828 meters

Approximate times:

160 minutes to Mt. Shibutsu summit

115 minutes from Mt. Shibutsu summit to Hatomachi-toge Pass trailhead

Mt. Shibutsu (2,228 meters) is largely made up of serpentinite rock. The minerals in this rock are not conducive to plant growth, so Mt. Shibutsu’s tree line is much lower than that of other mountains in this area. Beyond the tree line, the trail opens up to panoramic views of the Ozegahara marsh and surrounding peaks. The surface becomes largely rocky and dotted with dwarf pine and other plants that manage to grow in difficult circumstances. The trail is very steep, and the weather is unpredictable, so please observe the following rules:

  1. Watch your step on the steep section from here to the Takamagahara area near the peak. The rock underfoot is serpentinite, which is slippery, especially when wet.
  2. The trail from here to the peak of Mt. Shibutsu is only for ascending. Descend using the trail to Hatomachi-toge Pass.
  3. Wear clothing appropriate for hiking.
  4. Avoid starting your hike in the afternoon.
  5. Going off trail damages the environment and can be dangerous.
  6. Please use the restrooms before starting your hike. There are no toilets on the trail.