Title Sun Western (farm produce and seafood store)

  • Oita
Regional Specialties National Parks/Quasi-National Parks
Medium/Media of Use:
Web Page
Text Length:
≤250 Words
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Associated Tourism Board:

里の駅 サンウエスタン 


Sun Western (farm produce and seafood store)

The Sun Western store sells an assortment of Bungotakada’s best local products. It is a great place to purchase fresh produce including seasonal fruits and vegetables, as well as fresh seafood caught in the Suonada Sea. Sun Western also carries souvenirs and is a good spot to try the local specialty, Misaki kakiage don (deep-fried fresh small shrimp tempura served over rice). The store is conveniently located along the national highway which runs up the coast of Bungotakada and is easily accessible from the city center, as well as from Nagasakibana Resort Campsite and the Matama Coast.
