Title Jizo-jaya Teahouse Remains

  • Wakayama
Shrines/Temples/Churches World Heritage (Natural or Cultural) Public Works & Institutions (Museums, etc.)
Medium/Media of Use:
Interpretive Sign
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≤250 Words
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Associated Tourism Board:
nachikatsuracho tagengokaisetsuseibi shienjigyo chiikikyogikai




Jizo-jaya Teahouse Remains

This site was the location of Jizo-jaya, a teahouse at the midpoint of the Ogumotori-goe route. The original teahouse closed in 1921 and soon fell into disrepair, but a new rest area was built in 2004 for pilgrims drawn to the Kumano Kodo as a World Heritage site. The interior takes its inspiration from the original teahouses along the route, and has wooden furnishings and an irori-style hearth.

The teahouse took its name from the Jizo-do (Jizo Hall), which stands just north of the teahouse and contains 32 stone statues of Jizo, a bodhisattva who watches over travelers.
