Title Hachiryū Melons

  • Akita
Regional Specialties
Medium/Media of Use:
Web Page
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
akitashirakami kankorenraku choseikyogikai
Associated Address:
Mitane-cho Yamamoto-gun , Akita






長期以來,三種町的八龍地區都以出產清甜美味的蜜瓜而聞名,蜜瓜佔當地農產品總體的70%。其中,一種名為「謝謝你蜜瓜」(Thank You Melon)的品種格外受到推崇。這種蜜瓜只在6~7月間收成,是八龍地區特有的品種。另一個廣受歡迎的品種是「貴味蜜瓜」,既甘甜如蜜,又多汁清口。





长期以来,三种町的八龙地区都以出产清甜美味的蜜瓜而闻名,蜜瓜占据了当地农产品总体的70%。其中,一种名为“谢谢你蜜瓜”(Thank You Melon)的品种格外受到推崇。这种蜜瓜只在6~7月间收获,是八龙地区特有的品种。另一个广受欢迎的品种是“贵味蜜瓜”,既甘甜如蜜,又多汁清口。




Hachiryū Melons

The Hachiryū district of Mitane has long been famous for its sweet and delicious melons, which account for 70 percent of the agricultural produce in the area. A particularly prized variety is the Thank You Melon, which is cultivated only in Hachiryū and is in season from June to July. Another popular type is the Takami Melon, known for a particular sweetness that leaves a tingling taste on the tongue.

Melon production has fallen sharply in Hachiryū since its peak in the late 1980s. This decline is due in part to the aging of the farming population, as fewer and fewer younger people are willing to learn the difficult techniques required to pollinate, grow, and harvest these high-end fruits. As with many fruits produced in Japan, appearance is paramount, and the melons must be round, large, and blemish-free to command good prices.

Hachiryū melons, along with a vast array of other fruits and vegetables, are sold at a local farmers’ market called the Dragon Fresh Center. Around 100 area farms are registered with the center, which is run under the auspices of the local JA Group (Japan Agricultural Cooperatives) organization. All produce is labeled with the name of the farmer who grew it, and often wives work at the market managing sales while their husbands work the fields.

A large and fierce-looking statue of a dragon wrapped around a pole makes the Dragon Fresh Center easy to spot from the road. The market is open seven days a week, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., except between the months of November and February, when it closes at 5 p.m.
