Title Tengu Rock

  • Tokyo
Historic Sites/Castle Ruins National Parks/Quasi-National Parks
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Associated Tourism Board:
omeshi kokuritsukoen yukyaku sokushin kyogikai
Associated Address:
Mitakesan, Ome-shi , Tokyo




Tengu Rock

Tengu Rock (Tengu-iwa) is a large outcrop said to resemble the distinctive long nose of a tengu, a bird-like goblin found in traditional folk tales and literature. Tengu are often depicted with avian characteristics such as wings and a beak. They can also be depicted in more human form, dressed in the robes of a yamabushi mountain priest with a red face and a long nose. Tengu are regarded as guardians of mountains and forests.

Step-like tree roots cover the surface of the rock, and there is a chain for climbing. The surface is slippery when wet. A bronze statue of a tengu in avian form is affixed to the top of the rock, and is visible from the trail below. A metal staircase near Tengu Rock leads to Nanayo Falls.
