Title Matsudaira Toshogu Shrine: Main Shrine and Ceiling Paintings

  • Aichi
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本殿(正殿)是松平東照宮的核心建築,也是最神聖的場所。德川家康(1543-1616)和松平家族始祖松平親氏(?-1394?)在此被視作神道教神明受後人供奉。本殿建於1931年,採用江戶時代(1603-1867)武士階層流行的「權現造」神社樣式,將拜殿、祭文殿和本殿連為一體。通常只有拜殿對外開放,其天井(天花板)每一格都有一幅豐田市漆畫家安藤則義(1947- )繪製的本地所植花草,共108幅。這些漆畫裝飾是2015年紀念德川家康逝世400周年而進行的修茸工程的一部分。



本殿(正殿)是松平东照宫的核心建筑,也是最神圣的场所。德川家康(1543-1616)和松平家族始祖松平亲氏(?-1394?)在这里被视作神道教神明受后人供奉。本殿建于1931年,采用江户时代(1603-1867)武士阶层流行的“权现造”神社样式,将拜殿、祭文殿和本殿连为一体。通常只有拜殿对外开放,其天井(天花板)装饰着108幅绘有本地花草的漆画,由丰田市漆画家安藤则义(1947- )绘制。这些漆画是2015年为纪念德川家康逝世400周年而进行的建筑改建项目的一部分。


Matsudaira Toshogu Shrine: Main Shrine and Ceiling Paintings

The Main Shrine is the central feature and most sacred part of Matsudaira Toshogu. It is where shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu (1543–1616) is enshrined as a Shinto deity alongside Matsudaira Chikauji (d. 1394?), the founder of the Matsudaira family. The Main Shrine was built in 1931 in the gongen-zukuri style that is a hallmark of shrines favored by the ruling warrior class during the Edo period (1603–1867). In this style, the worship hall (haiden), liturgy hall (saimonden), and main sanctuary (honden) are all under one roof. Only the worship hall is open to the public. Its lattice ceiling is decorated with 108 images of local flowers and other plants painted by the Toyota-based lacquer artist Ando Noriyoshi (b. 1947). The paintings were finished in 2015 as part of the building’s renovation, undertaken to commemorate 400 years since Ieyasu’s death.

Each of the 108 images is painted on a round background of cedar wood, coated only with clear lacquer so that the grain of the wood is visible. Black lacquer is used to create the circular framing around each painting and to cover the rails that create the lattice. The images depict plants such as white and red plum blossoms, dwarf bamboo, and chrysanthemums, and are arranged into four sections to represent the seasons. The central painting on the eastern end features the rising sun, while that on the western end includes the full moon. In each corner is an image of futaba aoi (Asarum caulescens, a species of wild ginger), the plant that inspired the Matsudaira-Tokugawa family emblem. That crest features a mythical three-leaved version of the two-leaved futaba aoi, which can be seen growing outside the Main Shrine.
