Title Violets

  • Kagoshima
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ippanshadanhojin amamioshima kankobussanremmei


Yakushima violet / Viola iwagawai / Yakushima sumire / ヤクシマスミレ この小さなスミレは琉球諸島の固有種であり、5cmほどの高さになる多年草で、湿った林床や渓流の濡れた岩場に生息する。葉は小さく、1㎝程で濃い緑色をした三角形で波状の鋸歯がある。白く、端に紫の縞模様がある花のピーク時は5月~6月で、開花後、分枝し、新しい株を形成する。湯湾岳の山頂に続く木道沿いによくみられる。

Amami violet / Viola amamiana / Amami sumire / アマミスミレ アマミスミレは奄美大島の希少な固有種で、渓流沿いの苔むした岩場に生育する。小さい葉は厚く、光沢をもち、4月と5月には中心が黄緑色で赤紫色の線が入る白い花が咲く。水平に伸びる根を使い、広がる。絶滅危惧種に指定されている。

Ryukyu tiny violet / Viola yedoensis Makino / Ryukyu ko-sumire / リュウキュウコスミレ 九州南部から沖縄まで広く生息する多年草で、日当たりの良い場所で、高さ10~15cmになり、厚い、三角形の葉を持つ。花期は長く、11月から4月の間に長さ1.5~2.5cmの青や赤紫、まれに白い花びらを持つ花を咲かせる。種子を飛ばして増える。


Yakushima violet / Viola iwagawai / Yakushima sumire / ヤクシマスミレ

This small violet is endemic to the Ryukyu Islands. It is a perennial plant that grows about 5 centimeters high on damp forest floors and on wet rocks in mountain streams. The dark-green leaves are small, about 1 centimeter long, and are triangular with serrated edges. The peak flowering season is May and June, when small white petals appear with purple stripes on the lip. After flowering, it produces stems that branch off to form a new plant. It can often be seen along the walkway that leads up to the summit of Mt. Yuwandake.

Amami violet / Viola amamiana / Amami sumire / アマミスミレ

The rare Amami violet grows on moss-covered rocks in mountain streams, and is endemic to Amami-Oshima. Its leaves are small and shiny. The flowers, which bloom in April and May, are white—with yellowish green near the base, and reddish-purple stripes. The plant spreads through horizontal roots. It is classified as highly endangered.

Ryukyu tiny violet / Viola yedoensis Makino / Ryukyu ko-sumire / リュウキュウコスミレ

This is a perennial plant with wide distribution from southern Kyushu to Okinawa. It grows in sunlit areas to a height of 10 to 15 centimeters, with thick, triangular green leaves. The flowering season is long, lasting from November to April. The flowers are 1.5 to 2.5 centimeters in length, with petals that range from blue to reddish purple and, on rare occasions, white. It spreads through seeds.
