Title Amami woodcock

  • Kagoshima
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Associated Tourism Board:
ippanshadanhojin amamioshima kankobussanremmei

Amami woodcock / Scolopax mira / Amami yamashigi / アマミヤマシギ アマミヤマシギシギ科に分類されている鳥類で、地面を長い敏感なくちばしの先で餌を探す。全長約38cmの中型の鳥は奄美大島と徳之島のみで繁殖する固有種で、陸鳥のため主に陸地でミミズを取るため、留まる。ずんぐりとした体は茶系の色で、色づいた線と派手で濃い斑紋があり、複雑な色は広葉樹林の林床では最適なカモフラージュとなっている。主に夜行性で、邪魔立てされると短い脚で走るか、安全な近場へ飛ぶ。地上の巣で産卵し、成長する。

Amami woodcock / Scolopax mira / Amami yamashigi / アマミヤマシギ

The Amami woodcock is a member of the sandpiper family of birds that use their long beaks to probe the ground; they feel for food with the sensitive tips of their beaks. This medium-sized (38-centimeter-long) bird is endemic and only breeds on Amami-Oshima and Tokunoshima. It is a terrestrial bird—one that mainly stays on the ground to catch earthworms. The complex coloring of its stout torso—varied shades of brown with bands of color and bright and dark spots—is a perfect camouflage against the floor of a broadleaf forest. It is generally active at night, and if disturbed will either run on its short legs or fly to safety nearby. It lays its eggs in a nest on the ground, where it also raises its young.
