Title Rasse Land

  • Aomori
Annual Events
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Associated Tourism Board:
Aomori Nebuta Festival Executive Committee
Associated Address:
2 Shimmachi, Aomori-shi , Aomori




睡魔Rasse land

有22間小屋位於Rasse land內,長寬各12公尺、高7公尺,形似帳篷,供睡魔師及其助手在此作業,組裝藝閣的頂部裝飾。而著名的ASPAM建築也位於附近,外觀呈三角形,青森觀光資訊中心便設於此。小屋於5月下旬開始搭建,直至祭典的最後一日即8月7日,方完成其使命。而7月1日至8月6日期間,則接受以普通遊客為對象的旅遊團入內參觀。通常,藝閣較小的部件多在睡魔師的作坊中完成,隨後被運至Rasse land內進行組裝。祭典期間,藉小屋對外開放之良機,遊客可在此近距離一睹藝閣的雄偉與壯觀,並攝影留念。


睡魔Rasse Land

Rasse land内有小屋22间,形似帐篷,长宽各12米、高7米,供睡魔师及其助手在此作业,组装山车的顶部装饰。而呈三角形的知名ASPAM建筑同样位于附近,青森观光信息中心便设于此。小屋于5月下旬开始搭建,直至祭典的最后一日即8月7日,方完成其使命。而7月1日至8月6日期间,则接受普通游客的旅游团入内参观。通常,山车较小的部件多在睡魔师的作坊中完成,其后被运至Rasse land内进行组装。祭典期间,借小屋对外开放之良机,游客可在此近距离一睹山车的雄伟与壮观,并摄影留念。


Rasse Land

Rasse Land is a cluster of 22 tent-like hangars, each one 12 by 12 meters in area and 7 meters high, where the figures on top of the Nebuta floats are assembled by the nebutashi (Nebuta artisans) and their assistants. The facility is located next to the triangle-shaped ASPAM, a building that houses Aomori’s tourist information center. The hangars are set up before May and taken down after the end of the festival; guided tours for the general public, which let you watch the Nebuta being built, are offered from July 1 to August 6. The smaller parts of the figures are built in the Nebuta artisans’ studios, but they are moved to Rasse Land for assembly. During the Nebuta Festival, the huts are open and visitors have the opportunity to marvel at the floats up close and take advantage of the photo opportunities during the day.

Nebuta Eve (August 1) festivities also take place at Rasse Land. On Nebuta Eve, the floats are lit up in public for the first time and hayashi ensembles perform their festival tunes. Visitors can enjoy the outdoor food stalls and watch the artisans and participants celebrating the completion of the Nebuta floats.
