Title The Shiroi Koibito Park Air Jump

  • Hokkaido
Annual Events
Medium/Media of Use:
Web Page
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
City of Sapporo

さっぽろ雪まつり - スキー・スノーボードのジャンプ

日本のトップクラスのスキーヤーやスノーボーダーの多くが、札幌の白い恋人PARKAIRジャンプにやって来ます。彼らはさっぽろ雪まつりの開催中、トーナメントで戦い、エキシビジョンジャンプを行います。開催場所は、大通3丁目のHTB PARK AIR広場にある、高さ24メートル、全長65メートルのジャンプ台です。その最大斜度は39度で、息をのむようなスピードが出ます。精鋭のスキーヤーやスノーボーダーが、ショートコースを猛スピードで下りながら、ジャンプやアクロバットを行い、時にはチームで動きをシンクロさせて行われます。


The Shiroi Koibito Park Air Jump

Many top-ranked skiers and snowboarders in Japan travel to Sapporo for the Shiroi Koibito Park Air Jump. During the snow festival, they compete in tournaments and perform exhibition jumps. The action takes place in HTB Park Air Square in Odori Park at 3-chome, on a jump hill measuring 24 meters high and 65 meters long. The steepest run of the slope has a pitch of 39 degrees, allowing competitors to reach breathtaking speeds. Elite skiers and snowboarders speed down the short course performing jumps and other acrobatics, sometimes as a synchronized team.

Both snowboarders and skiers compete in tournaments including junior sessions, night sessions, and a special mogul session. This fast and dynamic event started in 2007 and draws crowds of winter-sports enthusiasts. The events are open for public viewing, but no seating is available at the site.
