Title Suzu Enden Mura

  • Ishikawa
Cuisine/Food Culture Activities Regional Specialties
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Associated Tourism Board:
ippanshadanhojin notohanto koikikankokyokai


珠洲の塩田で、伝統的な「揚げ浜」での塩作りを体験しましょう。「揚げ浜」は、能登半島では少なくとも1596年から行われてきた方法です。 この塩田を訪れる人は、働く人たちが揚げ浜式の塩作りを行っているところを見ることができます。この手間のかかる製法では、海水を砂地に撒き、日光で蒸発させます。できた塩の結晶をすくい上げて、さらに海水と混ぜ合わせます。それを濾過すると、砂が取り除かれ、濃い塩水ができます。この塩水を、鋳鉄製の大きな釜で、塩の結晶の厚い層ができるまで煮詰めます。 


近接する資料館では、英語表記のあるジオラマと絵が、塩作りの歴史を物語ってくれます。古代から日本で使われてきたさまざまな方法が紹介されています。また、揚げ浜での塩作りの重要な手順の概要を映像で紹介しています。資料館にある店舗では、塩田で作られた塩に加えて、塩漬けの海産物、お菓子、酒、および地元の工芸品 (珠洲焼など) を買うことができます。地図、地元のお祭りに関する情報、さらに座って海を眺められる場所もあります。 

Suzu Enden Mura

Experience traditional agehama salt making at a salt farm in Suzu, a method that has been practiced on the Noto Peninsula since at least 1596. At the salt farm, visitors can watch as workers carry out agehama-style salt production. In this labor-intensive process, seawater is scattered over a field of sand to evaporate in the sunlight. The resulting salt crystals are scooped up and mixed with more seawater, then filtered to remove the sand and form a concentrated brine. The brine is boiled down in a large cast iron pot until a thick layer of salt crystals forms. 

It takes several days and nights and 600 liters of seawater to make 120 kilograms of salt. Visitors can try a shorter version of the process, taking just 2 hours, by prior reservation. The experience includes carrying seawater from the rocky shore to the salt fields, sprinkling the seawater across the sand, and boiling brine to produce a small amount of salt, which visitors can take home.   

Dioramas and illustrations with English signage at an adjacent museum tell the history of salt production, describing the different methods that have been used in Japan since ancient times. A video presentation outlines the key steps in agehama salt production. At the shop in the museum, visitors can buy salt produced in the salt fields, along with salt-preserved seafood, sweets, sake, and local crafts such as Suzu ware pottery. There are maps, information about local festivals, and a seating area with sea views. 
