Title Dazaifu Exhibition Hall: A tribute to ancient Dazaifu and ongoing discovery

  • Fukuoka
Historic Sites/Castle Ruins Shrines/Temples/Churches Public Works & Institutions (Museums, etc.)
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Associated Tourism Board:
Dazaifu City Japan Heritage Utilization Council






Dazaifu Exhibition Hall: A tribute to ancient Dazaifu and ongoing discovery

Dazaifu Exhibition Hall traces the history of Dazaifu from the seventh century through to modern-day excavation efforts. Visit this museum to learn about Dazaifu’s deep-rooted involvement in Japanese history, culture, education, and religion.

Discover Dazaifu’s original appearance through detailed dioramas, browse images showcasing decades of excavation, and come face to face with a frightful onigawara—an example of a tile sculpted into a gargoyle-like demon that adorned the roofs of buildings.

The ascension of Emperor Naruhito to the Chrysanthemum Throne in May 2019 marked the start of a new Japanese era, Reiwa. Visit the Exhibition Hall to find out how the name “Reiwa” was inspired by a party held under blossoming plum trees in Dazaifu in 730.

Explanations of the exhibits are available in English, offering you a deeper understanding of Dazaifu’s rich history and culture. The Exhibition Hall stands near the entrance to the Dazaifu Government Office Ruins. The exhibits that introduce the history of the area and reconstruct the way it looked in the seventh century will help you appreciate the scale of ancient Dazaifu as you explore the grounds.
