Title Fuji Hokuroku Pilgrimage Mandala

  • Yamanashi
Nature/Ecology World Heritage (Natural or Cultural)
Medium/Media of Use:
Interpretive Sign
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
Fujisan World Cultural Heritage Council




山口の曼荼羅は北側から見た富士山(富士北麓とは“northern foot of Fuji”という意味)の図です。巡礼者たちが登拝前に休息をとった川口と吉田の町や、他の宗教的な儀式を行った忍野八海など、富士山周辺の風景が詳細に描かれています。吉田から富士山頂まで延びる吉田口登山道は、神仏の拝所であった道沿いの山小屋と石室の明滅する灯によって照らし出されています。雲に囲まれた山頂の上空に光の点は、そこに住んでいるとされる仏教の9神を象徴しています。山口は人間と神々の世界を隔てる帳が最も薄くなる夜の場面を描くことを選びました。












Fuji Hokuroku Pilgrimage Mandala

The Fuji Hokuroku Pilgrimage Mandala was commissioned from Yamaguchi Akira, an artist known for using traditional techniques to create intricately painted compositions of modern themes and imagery.

Pilgrimage mandalas (sankei mandara) were panoramic, stylized representations of sacred sites produced across Japan from the sixteenth century. They conveyed the spiritual importance of the site they depicted to believers and served as travel guides for pilgrims.

Yamaguchi’s mandala shows Mt. Fuji as seen from the north (Fuji Hokuroku means “northern foot of Fuji”). The surrounding landscape is depicted in detail, including the towns of Kawaguchi and Yoshida, where pilgrims rested before their climb, and the Eight Lakes, where they performed additional religious rituals. The Yoshida Ascending Route stretches from Yoshida to the summit, outlined by the flickering lanterns of mountain cabins and stone huts along the trail where Shinto and Buddhist deities were worshiped. The points of light above the cloud-wreathed peak symbolize the nine Buddhist deities said to reside there. Note that Yamaguchi chose to depict the scene at night, when the veil between our world and the divine is at its thinnest.

Like other pilgrimage mandalas and paintings in the Japanese “bird’s-eye view” genre in general, the work is relatively “flat,” without a fixed perspective. The painter’s eye roamed freely, depicting each subject from the angle and distance that suits it best. (Yamaguchi even painted Mii-chan, a cat he befriended while visiting the area.) The result is a meticulous collage of past and present vignettes, unified by a central, eternal Mt. Fuji.
