
How to apply for special permission for foreign pleasure boats to call at closed ports

When you make a call at a closed port in Japan by a foreign pleasure boat, you have to receive special permission by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism in advance.
Legal Basis: the proviso to Article 3 of the Ships Law

When making a call at a closed port without special permission, the captain shall be punished by imprisonment with work for not more than 2 years or by a fine of not more than 1,000,000 yen. And the relevant ship may be confiscated then.

【概要(Summary)】 日本語 /  English

不開港場とは What is a closed port?

“Closed port” means sea area at any territorial water area other than open ports. For your reference, please see attached the List of Open Ports.

申請手続き方法 Application Procedure

Please see the below instructions, and submit the required documents to the District Transport Bureau.

1.必要書類 Required Documentations

[1]申請書  [2]船舶の国籍証書の写し  [3]クルーリスト(役職・氏名・性別・パスポートNo(外国人に限る)・国籍・生年月日を記載)
i) Application Form , ii) The copy of the Certificate of Nationality of your ship, iii) Crew list (Include position, name, sex, passport No. (only foreigners), nationality, and date of birth)  → Please write in the Application Form with referring to Entry Example.

※ 上記のほか、必要な場合は、追加の書類を求めることがあります。
*Any additional documentation may be required other than the above-mentioned documentations if necessary.

How to fill in the Application form .

This page provides Word files of the Application Form , which may be printed. Please use the below form to fill in the documents.

Please refer to the below links regarding desired closed ports to call (plans) when the Application Form.

○利用方法 How to use
1. Click the jurisdiction of the District Transport Bureau where the closed port you wish to call at is located on the map below.

2.ポップアップで地図が表示されますので、寄港したい不開港場名を申請書に記入して 下さい。
2. A pop-up window with a map will be shown. Please enter the name of the closed port(s) you wish to call at the Application Form.

* If you wish to call at any closed ports not listed on the map, please enter the names of those ports in the Application Form.


2.申請先・申請方法(The application destination and the way of application )

It takes time to examine the application. Please make your application at least one week (strictly to be observed) before your call. If you do not make it in time,you may not be able to receive special permission on the date of your request. 
You shall make an application either by bringing with you these documentations at the District Transport Bureau etc. in charge of said closed port or by sending them by post.

3.よくある質問(Frequently Asked Questions)



注意事項 Note

  1. 審査基準を満たさない場合には、特許が認められないことがあります。
    You may not be able to get special permission when you do not meet the examination criteria.
    ※審査基準 Examination Criteria
    Said call at a closed port shall not make any trouble in the light of the secure of stable transportation in our country and the secure of security at said closed port etc. It shall not violate any other law or regulation of Japan.
  2. 申請書は日本語または英語で記入して下さい。
    Write in the Application Form in Japanese or in English.
  3. 申請書類は手書きでも受け付けますが、正確に丁寧に記入して下さい。記載内容が判別できない場合、書類不備として受け付けない場合があります。
    You may handwrite an application form but must write clearly. We may be unable to receive your application as an inadequate documentation which we cannot read what you write in the application.
  4. 寄港する場所が明確にわかるように記入して下さい。島名のみといったものは、不可になる場合があります。
    Write in order that the port of call may be clearly understood.As for island, only the name of the island may be rejected.
    例:×奄美大島 ○奄美大島 名瀬港
    e.g.: Bad:Amami-Oshima Good:Naze Port of Amami-Oshima
  5. 不開港場に寄港する際は、他の法令に基づいて手続きが必要な場合がありますので、ご注意下さい。
    Please understand that some proceeds may be required pursuant to other laws and regulations of Japan when you make a call at a closed port.



国土交通省海事局外航課 International Shipping Division. Maritime Bureau
電話 :03-5253-8111(内線 ex. 43367, 43304)
E-MAIL : hqt-gaikouka-s3@mlit.go.jp
