Topics from One Year in Transport
Aid to the Persian Gulf (September 1, 1990-)
Dealing with the Mt. Unzen Eruption (November 17, 1991)
Extensions Completed-JR-East and Keisei Electric Railway Co., Ltd. Connections toNarita Airport (March 19, 1991), Tohoku/Joetsu Shinkansen to Tokyo Station (June 20, 1991)
Modal Shift Proceeding on Trunk Distribution Routes (April 1991)
Automobile Liability Insurance Compensation Limits Raised-30 Million Yen FatalityCompensation (April 1, 1991)
Successive Commissions of Super-High-Speed Passenger Craft (April 1, 1991)
Collision on the Shigaraki Tableland Railway (May 14, 1991)
Report Tabled From the Council for Transport Policy and the Council for TransportTechnology into Establishing a Basis for Transport Policy and Transport Technics for the 2lst Century (June 1991)
Restructuring of The Ministry of Transport (July I 1991)
Establishment of the " Two way Tourism 21 " (July 10, 1991)
Completion of the Pacific Convention Plaza Yokohama (July 29, 1991)
60th Anniversary of the Opening of the Tokyo International Airport (August 25, 1991)
Groundbreaking on New Shinkansen Lines (September 1991) and Establishment of Railway Development Fund (October 9, 1991)
A Fresh Start for A Strong Shipbuilding Industry (September 26, 1991)
Summary of the FY 1991 Report On Transport Economy
PART 1. New Expectations to the Public Transport Sector-Aimed at Restructuring the Transport System
Section 1. The Basic Direction of Transport Policy in the 1990s
Section 2. Aimed at Establishing a New Transport System
Chapter 1.
Establishing a New Domestic Transport System
1. Establishing a Trunk Line Passenger Transport System
2. Coordination of Transport in Major Urban Centers
3. Measures for Promoting the Development Railway Facilities
Chapter 2.
Development of Transport Policies Capable of Handling Internationali zation
1. Expansion of International Transport Services
2. Adjustments to the Distribution System in Order to Handle Changes in the Import and Export Structure and Globalization of Carporate Activities
3. Development of International Touristic Policies Fitting with the 2lst Century
PART 2. Trends in Transport
Chapter 1.
Outline of Transport in FY1990 and Recent Trends
Chapter 2.
The Transport Industry and Advances in Internationalization
Chapter 3.
Promotion of Recreational Tourism
Chapter 4.
Creating a Smoother Physical Distribution System
Chapter 5.
Development of a Rail Transport System Meeting the Needs of the Japanese People
Chapter 6.
Development of Automobile Transport and Expansion of Public Trans- port Services
Chapter 7.
A New Start for Shipbuilding, and Shipping Business and Countermea- sures To Aid Seamen
Chapter 8.
The Structure of Quality Waterfront
Chapter 9.
Efforts Towards Expansion of the Air Network
Chapter 10.
Preservation of th,e Global Environment
Chapter 11.
Implementation of Transport Safety Policies